Post by Sagath on Mar 7, 2015 11:48:34 GMT -8
I'm playing a barbarian warrior and shaman duo and have just reached level 30. All this time, my warrior's melee damage is quite underpowered and/or broken. My weapons aren't great (8dmg/28dly), but I consistently hit for 12 or under. My slams do 20 or 30 damage.
I asked Higbi over OOC and he said melee damage starts to get better about level 28. I haven't noticed this yet.
To go along with the increased stats on armor, is there a plan to increase melee damage weapons? At the least, I think melee damage isn't calculating correctly and could use adjustment. I'm killing npcs at an okay rate thanks to shaman chain nuking/dots.
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Posts: 87
Post by higbi on Mar 7, 2015 12:19:14 GMT -8
I failed to mention the other day that the scaling not only increases with level but is very dependent on your strength. The higher you can get your strength the more damage you will do. It will be the same with the shaman spells, (damage being affected by the wisdom score). I know it's a bit frustrating in the beginning with no gear (Higbi started from scratch and progressed fine) but you will notice damage will increase considerably as you get closer to 50s and into 50s. If I see you on I can help PL you up a bit so you can notice those gains and have a bit more fun I do have some gear sitting in my bank if you'd like. I am tackling the server era by era so it's mostly Original and Kunark era gear. If you want to earn it on your own I completely understand, (it's what I did). Otherwise I'll hook you up with some stuff when I'm on and I can hang on to Shaman spells (spell scribe stops at level 52).
Post by Sagath on Mar 7, 2015 14:54:38 GMT -8
Thanks for the response Higbi. Since I posted, I did notice damage started to increase as I found a couple extra pieces of gear.
I might take you up on the offer to a degree (an odd piece of armor or weapons for the warrior would be great)! It's all about the journey; earning the gear and levels myself is rewarding.
I like your take on tackling the older eras first. They were always more fun anyway! Also, good to know about spell scribe stopping at 52. Cheers!
Post by sunbeam on Mar 7, 2015 19:17:31 GMT -8
Yeah, personally I really didn't like PoP, or any of the expansions past that one.
I haven't played in a while because I am really burnt on EQ right now. But honestly unless someone is grouping up to take on PoP and beyond zones, I really don't have any interest in them.
When you get to the point where you have to get by these mobs with like 500,000 hp's I find it a real grind. Of course I first really noticing it being a problem with progression in Velious. I think any class could solo up to and including Trakanon, starting from scratch with no help.
But then you run into Vindicator, Avatar, Tormaxx, and a lot of the ToV mobs.
I'm sure a necro could solo Zlandicar with just gear they soloed from Kunark and Velious, but the raid mobs from Velious on that drop the good gear aren't soloable by most classes unless they have gear from later expansions.
Who is playing right now? I mean in general, not at this particular moment in time. A lot of the stuff in PoP and GoD really needs to be gone through in whatever manner this server is doing the progression (I mean are we going to have trials at all? Was Time ever fixed?).
Also from what I read, Omens of War really isn't anywhere near complete in the PEQ database. The zones and mobs are there, but the instances and all that stuff is mostly non-functional. Also probably many of the quests are broken right now too.
You probably would see a lot of broken stuff in GoD too, but I understand that that one is much closer to complete than incomplete.
Post by Osiris on Mar 8, 2015 10:28:29 GMT -8
Thanks for the response Higbi. Since I posted, I did notice damage started to increase as I found a couple extra pieces of gear. I might take you up on the offer to a degree (an odd piece of armor or weapons for the warrior would be great)! It's all about the journey; earning the gear and levels myself is rewarding. I like your take on tackling the older eras first. They were always more fun anyway! Also, good to know about spell scribe stopping at 52. Cheers! the melee stat scale begins at 21, it is a scaling stat so at lower levels it will be less noticeable. but it will get increasingly noticeable as you level and get gear upgrades
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Posts: 20
Post by medi on Mar 13, 2015 7:46:38 GMT -8
In regards to who is playing here now I'm not sure. I come on once every few days but nobody is ever in when I am. My beastlord solos PoP and Txevu (the current hardest game content that is working) so I really stopped playing him. I've been leveling my Rogue who is in the low 30s now. Been hoping to catch somebody else on but haven't lately. What time do you all play generally?
Post by sunbeam on Mar 13, 2015 8:35:18 GMT -8
I really don't have a reason to log on my mage anymore. Unless someone is on to help, he can't solo in PoP or anything past that. It's not a matter of stat gear anymore really, though I could improve a lot. THe only thing that would help him is a better pet focus. There is on in Time (if that is operational), and I'm sure there are one or two things in GoD or whatever OoW zones are there. It is conceivable I could solo the slippers or whatever they are (been a while since I've looked at this).
But I have a 40's shaman. His main problem is he doesn't have PBaE. He does pretty well against tough solo mobs he can slow, but his achilles heel is groups of mobs. I guess if the lower level shaman dot's didn't break root he could root rot a lot of stuff. But it is really a pita so I don't play him unless someone is on.
I have a Paladin, but it's just kind of boring. I've tried running around fear (at 54), but while I can handle one or two mobs when you get swarmed he has to gate. I'm sure if he leveled or had better gear it would be a different story. I also don't see how he could possibly solo the kind of mobs that drop gear upgrades right now. I've given him some twink items from Kunark and Velious, and someone gave him the Acrylia Broadsword from Acrylia.
But he isn't soloing the version of Innoruuk on this server, nor the raid mobs that start to get over half a million hp's. I'm sure he will be able to do the Kunark outdoor dragons, Trak, and Velious outdoor dragons if he levels up.
But I just dont' see how he does Vulak, Avatar, PoP or Luclin raid mobs solo. Or the upgraded dragons which I am sure are in Veeshan's Peak (what key is it here BTW? The Dry Sapura one?) Obviously your beastlord has a pet, but can you see a warrior or other melee without a healer soloing the Avatar? That is a lot of hp's, and your bucket probably only has 25,000 or so with gear you probably couldn't solo on your own as a true melee.
Not sure how much difference AA will make either. Not only did melee damage go higher, but there wasn't any variance in melee damage or so memory serves. You pretty much bonked for max damage, except for crits there. Nothing wrong with that, we are obviously better than live. But is this a true solo or small group server? Or a two box server (saw one guy with a team, or maybe it was two people).
To make a long story short, I log on sometimes, don't see anyone. Go somewhere and whack a few things with paladin, get bored, then log off. I really meant to be a better tester, but I just don't have any drive to play right now.
Post by sunbeam on Mar 14, 2015 9:20:19 GMT -8
In regards to who is playing here now I'm not sure. I come on once every few days but nobody is ever in when I am. My beastlord solos PoP and Txevu (the current hardest game content that is working) so I really stopped playing him. I've been leveling my Rogue who is in the low 30s now. Been hoping to catch somebody else on but haven't lately. What time do you all play generally? I'm curious. Based on your experiences how well would it have worked with a non-pet class? Being able to standback and heal the pet for a good while is the only way my mage has been able to solo tough mobs. I just don't see how a melee who can't heal, or who doesn't get the chance to heal himself could do these mobs with all the hp's. With the focus from Blackfeather Roost (Minion of Darkness) my pet hits for around 8000 max. No idea what a melee or hybrid with good gear would hit for, but I just can't see them going toe to toe with the raid mobs with the number of hp's they have. I looked on MQEmulator and one of the Avatars in Xegony's plane has 1.4 million hp's. I just don't see how a melee, even one dual wielding with max hits of 16000 could stand there long enough to do the job (not to mention all the butt buddies you would get soloing an encounter like that).
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Posts: 20
Post by medi on Mar 15, 2015 11:15:24 GMT -8
They definitely have no chance. Pets are extremely overpowered, but we all knew that already. My beastlord can melee during elemental boas fights such as Rather Council, with self heals without a problem, but not in txevu. My Rogue on the other hand will have no chance. I made him to be a grouping character. With a healer/slower he should be able to do most fights depending on how damage scales later on. The only think items I gave him were two velious weapons but no STR gear to test